Why Women Step Out On Their Relationships


A long-term romantic relationship is a blessing. It is something we all adore and try to cultivate. But we should remember that it requires a lot of patience, respect, and love between the partners. A relationship takes time to grow and we have to nurture it daily. Sharing each other feelings and taking care of each other are some important parts of a happy married life. But it is also important to split household responsibilities and share parenting duties. If there is any gap between the partners, it is obvious to end the journey at some point in time.

Communication is the key even in married life. If any of the partners fail to communicate, it can spell disaster. Particularly women lose emotional connection gradually and try to step out of their relationship. So, it is very important to keep the connection healthy and fruitful and maintain strong communication in a romantic relationship.

Emotional connection is the must-have criterion in any relationship. It is very important to enhance the romantic relationship. Recently psychologists tried to find the reason for cheating in a relationship. They found that most women step out of their relationships because of the absence of emotional connection.

A licensed counselor Lea McMahon said, “Emotional attachment is the foundation of satisfaction in any relationship. Women crave attention, support, love, and care. When these needs go unmet, they feel frustrated and annoyed.” McMahon also said, “Men often let go of issues like lack of emotional attachment and lack of communication while focusing on physical needs the most.”

The research also found that women tended to have longer affairs than men. They are more likely to confess the affair to their partners. However, the reasons for cheating in a romantic relationship are complex. Besides not having enough emotional connection there are some other primary reasons for cheating such as anger, self-esteem, low commitment, and, negligence.

Sex therapist Noelle Benach said, “Humans aren’t mind-readers. Sometimes our partner(s) need reminders and directions in order to care for us. Communicating your needs directly in an assertive manner is one way to influence the possibility of them being met.”