What Is Dermaplaning?


Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that uses a scalpel or dermatome to exfoliate your skin and remove dirt and vellus hair (peach fuzz). Unlike dermabrasion which uses a rotating brush at high speed to exfoliate the skin, dermaplaning uses a dermatome (which looks like an electric razor) to scrape off the top layers of skin by moving the tool back and forth.

woman with brown hair and brown eyes

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning acts as both a skin exfoliant and hair removal procedure. This treatment brightens and smoothens the skin. It also softens wrinkles and fine lines and helps with hyperpigmentation. Lastly, it can be used to treat extensive acne scars. Its effects are dependent on your skin type, skin tone and medical history.

Risks and Side Effects

Dermaplaning causes little irritation and reaction for most people. However, it does have some short-term effects such as soreness, burning, tingling, and swollen red skin that may occur for 48 hours after completion of the procedure. Hair growing back darker or thicker is extremely rare, though in some cases, dark hair may grow back near your chin or sides giving the effect of sideburns.

Due to the possibility of experiencing these side effects, the procedure is not recommended for people that have inflammatory skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, acne, and rosacea. Additionally, if you are on isotretinoin, a prescription drug that is used to treat severe acne, it is advised that you wait 6 months after you stop taking the drug to get the procedure.

Where Can You Get It?

DIY kits are available online and at local drugstores in the vent that you want to do it yourself at home. However, it is easy to cut yourself while scraping your skin especially if the blade is sharp. This can lead to infections and for this reason, it’s just better to book an appointment with a licensed doctor or aesthetician.

man's face

How to Prepare

The procedure itself takes 30 minutes. Make sure that you have enough money to pay for the procedure as it isn’t covered by insurance. Avoid exfoliating, tanning and direct sunlight 3 days before your appointment. Your skin does not need any downtime after dermaplaning, but experts advise that your skin may become more sensitive, therefore, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 or higher and layer it with a moisturizer.

You can book dermaplaning appointments at an interval of 3 to 4 weeks. However, you need to remember that it will not erase all your scars or stop aging.