What is a Rainbow Baby? Definition & Meaning


The phrase “rainbow baby” seems cheery and joyous, but what precisely does it imply? The reality is that expecting a rainbow baby can bring up a wide range of emotions. How so?

Because this is the name given to a child born after a miscarriage. Every new baby carries with it optimism and excitement, but rainbow babies hold a special place in the hearts of new moms and dads.

Rainbow Baby

It’s excitement and love for your new baby, but it’s also accompanied by a sense of loss, which can leave certain parents feeling guilty.

Although this isn’t surprising, it could still be challenging to handle. What exactly is the meaning of rainbow baby, though? 

What is the meaning of rainbow baby?

The term comes from the fact that a rainbow baby could seem like your own personal miracle. Rainbows have been a symbol of comfort and optimism for eons, and some people believe they are a symbol of protection. 

Despite the fact that many parents feel loss, it is rarely discussed. Nonetheless, moms can use the simple symbolism of rainbows to think about the complexities of loss and joy, and to bond with others who have had the same struggles across the globe.

When did the phrase “rainbow baby” first appear?

There is some controversy regarding when the moniker “rainbow baby” first appeared, but we do know that it was prevalent in parental forums in 2008, at the very minimum. 

The phrase has also been used in a number of works concerning miscarriages and newborn death. But, it’s possible that it dates back even farther, circulating through word-of-mouth among parents who share a common experience that spans millennia.

baby in white shirt lying on bed

What makes rainbow babies so unique?

Rainbow babies are unique in that they are mini-miracles. It may seem as if babies aren’t in your horizon after a miscarriage, but a rainbow baby symbolizes your strength, endurance, and love. 

Is a rainbow baby born from an ectopic pregnancy?

Yes, a rainbow baby is a baby born after a miscarriage attributed to an ectopic pregnancy.

Can it be a rainbow baby after an abortion? 

When it comes to rainbow babies, this is a touchy subject. Although a baby is commonly referred to as a rainbow baby if an abortion is performed for medical reasons, the decision to refer to your child as a rainbow baby after an elective abortion is entirely up to you.

What does it mean to be a rainbow mommy?

A rainbow mommy (also known as a rainbow mama or rainbow mom) is a mother who has a child following a miscarriage. It’s entirely up to you whether or not you want to refer to yourself as a rainbow parent when you have a rainbow baby, once you understand the meaning of ‘rainbow baby.’

Are rainbow babies generally healthier?

There is really no way to know for sure whether a rainbow baby is healthier than the previous pregnancy. However, a rainbow baby is a baby conceived after a miscarriage, and it is likely to be healthier.

How many rainbow babies are there in the world?

Rainbow babies are actually more prevalent than you may believe. Pregnancy loss affects many women, whether it occurs early or late in the pregnancy. Although the data aren’t accurate, it’s possible that rainbow pregnancies account for 26% of total pregnancies.

What is a baby with two rainbows?

A double rainbow baby is a child born following the loss of two other children. Sometimes people find that referring to a newborn as a double rainbow baby helps them commemorate their two past losses while also embracing the joy of a new baby. For some, however, it is simply too terrible and intricate to summarize in a single word or phrase. It’s entirely up to you.

Is there Rainbow Baby Day?

National Rainbow Baby Day is a day devoted to commemorating and celebrating rainbow babies. Every year on August 22nd, the United States celebrates National Rainbow Baby Day.

There’s also National Rainbow Baby Week, which takes place in the weeks leading up to August 22nd, during which many rainbow parents and mothers-to-be conduct celebrations and tributes for their rainbow babies.