The Right Way Of Gaining Muscle


Gaining muscle is a great way to sculpt your body. It also helps you to look proportionate and fuller. A recent study published in the journal Adipocyte indicates that more muscle mass can ensure better metabolism. If gaining muscle is your goal, here are some tips for you.

Lifting weights

If you want to get the best results, you have to follow the right way. Lifting weight is a great way to gain muscle. Some believe that lifting weights is a man thing which is not true at all. Both men and women have the same muscle groups. The main differences are the hormones. You can start from a lower weight and move ahead. A slow and steady weight lifting can help you to gain muscle.

Muscle gain
Credit: kristenwattfoundation
Choosing the right kind of exercises

While improving muscle it is very important to choose the right kind of moves that are effective for muscle building. You have to include push-ups, pull-ups, and chest press in your daily exercise routine. Sometimes you can do squats, shrugs, curls, triceps dips, deadlifts, and lunges which are also very helpful for gaining muscle.

gaining lean muscle
Credit: legionathletics
Deciding the number of repetitions

Repetitions and the number of sets are very significant factors while doing exercise for gaining muscle. You must have to select the right weight you’ll be lifting. Always pay attention to the weight and the reps. Because the weights you are carrying and the reps should be inversely proportional to each other. It makes a huge difference when you are exclusively exercising for muscle gain.

gaining muscle
Credit: inbodyusa
Including HIIT in your daily exercise

A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports revealed that HIIT exercises are positively associated with gaining lean muscle. a set of five to six exercises from burpees to high knees are considered HIIT exercises and you have to include those in your exercise routine.