Periods while breastfeeding


If you are breastfeeding your child, it’s possible that you won’t start having periods again for a couple of months. This is due to the fact that prolactin, a hormone that makes you produce milk, also prevents you from ovulating and getting your period. It may take up to one year for your period to resume if you are nursing nonstop.

periods while breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, a variety of variables influence when your period will come back. These comprise: 

  • how frequently you bottle-feed your infant
  • how your body reacts to hormone changes
  • how frequently and for how long you breastfeed your infant

Your periods might start up again soon after giving birth if your baby is exclusively fed through bottles.

Your initial period following birth

Your first period might not come back if you purely breastfeed for a few months, or for one to two years if you continue breastfeeding. Your periods may start up to three weeks after giving birth, depending on whether you exclusively breastfeed or partly bottle-feed your infant. Your periods could be irregular after they return, particularly if you’re still producing milk (lactating). 

Your period’s length is also subject to change. It is common to miss a period or wait several months before getting another one. Your periods ought to start returning to normal as soon as you start cutting back on the time on breastfeeding. Initially, you might see some spotting (light bleeding).

grayscale photo of baby in white onesie

It is a great idea to speak with your doctor if you experience irregular periods when breastfeeding, including continued spotting, heavier than-usual bleeding, or long cycles, as there could be other causes besides breastfeeding. 

To rule out other causative factors, your doctor will have to carry out a thorough examination and possibly issue a few test orders. If your period has returned, you are fertile once more, and you are at risk of getting pregnant, even if you are breastfeeding. Discuss contraceptive options with your doctor or nurse if you plan to breastfeed.

Does having a period affect the production of breast milk?

Your breast milk shouldn’t be significantly impacted by the return of your period, allowing you to continue breastfeeding if you choose to. Some women experience a temporary decrease in milk production just before or during their period, but this decrease will disappear once hormone levels are back to normal.