How To Keep Unvaccinated Kids Protected Against COVID-19


It is critical to protect your unvaccinated kids against COVID-19 throughout the Christmas season. Since the holidays are a time for family and friends to get together and have a good time, there is generally a lot of social interaction happening. Maintaining social distance during this time is quite challenging.

keep unvaccinated kids protected

According to Dr. Lisa Doggett, a senior medical doctor, kids, especially kids that are younger, face a much-reduced risk of contracting Covid-19 in comparison to adults. The risk, however, is not zero.

Children aged 5 to 11 are not vaccinated, and it is possible that they will not be funny immune by Thanksgiving. An excess of 1 million child instances of COVID-19 has been detected in the United States in the previous two months, as per the American Academy of Pediatrics. 

keep unvaccinated kids protected

Despite the fact that the majority of the children recovered from COVID-19 without complications, the risk remains. “Where infection rates are low, the risk to kids will be low,” Dr. Doggett added.

As a result, it’s critical to follow basic guidelines to keep your child safe over the holiday season. First and foremost, if you are at a meeting place, you must wear a mask. Maintaining social distance and exercising hygiene are two other important considerations. 

keep unvaccinated kids protected COVID-19

Anyone who has not been vaccinated must continue to use these three measures. If at all possible, hold the social gathering outside rather than in a house or a hall. 

“Keep in mind that gatherings outdoors are far safer for all of us, vaccinated or not, than indoor gatherings. So moving parties outside whenever feasible is a good idea,” said Dr. Doggett.