How To Diagnosis And Treat Psoriasis On Black Skin


Psoriasis is a skin condition that creates scaly patches. It is often painful and itchy and looks different on different skin tones. As it is less common in black skin tone, it is difficult to diagnose darker skin tone. Here we are explaining the right ways to diagnose as well as treat the skin condition.

Credit: timesofindia
Psoriasis on skin

About 125 million people are living with psoriasis. But still, there is a lack of proper comprehensive info about this skin condition. Mainly people with white skin are experiencing this skin condition. But it is not uncommon among people with black skin. According to a study published in the “Journal of the Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology”, 1.9 percent of the African American population have psoriasis in the U.S. Furthermore, 1.6 percent of the Hispanic population and 3.6 percent of Caucasians have this skin issue.

So, the skin condition is can affect anyone at any time. Dermatologist Corey L. Hartman MD said, “While many psoriasis patients can point to a family history, others report no one in their family that is afflicted with psoriasis.”

Black skin
Credit: npr
How to diagnose

Psoriasis appears as thick red plaques on white skin while it appears more subtly on black skin. It often presents as a purplish-gray or dark brown on darker skin. Certified dermatologist Dr. Libby said, “When psoriasis lesions resolve, they may also leave a patch of discoloration, either a dark or lighter-colored spot, that tends to linger for months,” She also added, “Studies show that when African American patients do have psoriasis, they often have more extensive disease involvement as compared to Caucasian patients.”

Credit: huffpost
The treatment

No matter what the patient’s skin tone the treatment is the same. To treat psoriasis, you have to combat the condition with topical steroids. Phototherapy and oral medications are also good ways to treat psoriasis and skincare.

Dr. Hartman said, “I [tend to prescribe] the biologics, because of the superior way that they control the disease with a simple injection every few weeks.”