Do you get loose motions before periods? Here’s why


Premenstrual symptoms like cramps, bloating, and gas are typical. However, have you ever had loose motions before a period?

The majority of women experience PMS, but they carry on with their lives because the symptoms are brief and pass in a few days. But for 2-4 out of every 100 women, the severity of the symptoms begins to negatively impact both their professional and social lives. 

Since other conditions might be similar to PMS, keeping a diary of your symptoms can help the doctor determine if you actually have it. This includes conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or thyroid disease.


Continue reading if you frequently have loose motions before periods.

What are the reasons behind loose motions during periods?

Although the precise cause has not yet been determined, a number of factors could be to blame:

  • Hormonal cycles

During the menstrual cycle, hormone levels fluctuate. Some women tend to be more sensitive to these hormonal changes, resulting in symptoms.

  • Chemical alterations in the brain

These symptoms may also be brought on by changes in the concentrations of different chemicals called neurotransmitters in your blood, such as GABA and serotonin.

  • Prostaglandins 

These are the chemicals that the blood releases right before periods. They cause intestinal contractions, which can result in a range of digestive symptoms, including diarrhea.

  • Anxiety and depression

These symptoms occur more frequently in depressed or anxious women, though the precise reason why is unknown.

How can it be prevented?

Change your lifestyle in the following ways:

  • Modify your diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eliminate stress through yoga, meditation, and having a consistent sleep routine.

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Some advice on how to handle loose motions before periods

* To replenish the fluids lost due to diarrhea, drink a lot of liquids.

* Eat foods high in fiber, like oats, bananas, and apples.

* Eat natural probiotics such as yoghurt and curd.

* Avoid spicy and fatty foods for a few days.