Can You Get Pregnant While Pregnant?


The human body can do some strange things, particularly when pregnant. But how strange is too strange? Is it possible to get pregnant while pregnant? Is it possible to conceive again while pregnant?

As odd as it may sound, it is possible to become pregnant with a new baby even while expecting one. It’s even been given a scientific name: superfetation.

If this occurs, the mother will be carrying twins that were conceived on separate days. This is not the same as having non-identical twins (twins born from different eggs) or twins of different sizes.


Superfetation results in babies with varied gestational ages and, as a result, different due dates. Although certain species, such as humans, have the ability to superfetate, the majority of mammals, including humans, are not. Superfetation is particularly common in some hares and fish.

If these species get another pregnancy planned before giving birth to their first child, it appears to be less taxing on their bodies.

However, in comparison to them, the human body has certain nearly unbreakable defensive mechanisms in place to prevent you from becoming pregnant again if you have sex whilst pregnant. 

But, if there’s already a baby in there, what exactly is preventing pregnancy?

1. The mucus plug is obstructing the way

There’s a physical hurdle to overcome first. Your mucus plug forms between your uterus and vagina throughout the first several weeks of pregnancy. Its primary function is to maintain viruses and bacteria out of your baby’s existing environment, and it also works well to keep sperm cells out.

When it comes to mucus, the mucus produced by your body during pregnancy is more acidic and thicker, which is the polar opposite of the discharge you could notice in the midst of your cycle.

Sperm cells have a difficult time traveling or perhaps surviving within your body without the slick ‘egg white’ cervical mucus.

woman holding stomach

2. Pregnancy hormones prevent ovulation

The combination of hormones in your body shifts considerably during early pregnancy. A surge in progesterone levels and a very low level of LH (luteinizing hormone), which is required for ovulation, are two of the most noticeable alterations.

So, if you’re wondering if you can ovulate when you’re pregnant, the answer is a resounding no. And if your body doesn’t produce another egg, you won’t be able to conceive again.

3. Another egg will not implant in your uterus

An egg must be able to penetrate down into your uterus lining once it has been fertilized in order to continue developing into a baby. This is referred to as implantation. Your body begins to create the placenta shortly after conception, making it impossible for a new egg to implant. 

In humans, superfetation is extremely unusual to occur. Even if it happens, the body changes so quickly in early pregnancy, that the infants would be quite close to gestational age. 

What are the odds of getting pregnant while pregnant?

The odds of getting pregnant while pregnant are so, so tiny. Human superfetation is technically possible, and there have been documented cases.