Can Babies Be Tested for COVID?


If your baby has a high temperature or a new and persistent cough, you may be wondering if a Covid test is necessary. Can babies be tested for Covid?

The answer is yes, they can. if they’re exhibiting one or more of the key Covid signs, you should follow your gut, call your paediatrician, and implement their testing and isolation guidelines.

tested for covid

What are the Covid symptoms in babies?

The following are the most common Covid symptoms for babies, as per the CDC:

  • A high temperature or a fever
  • A fresh and persistent cough 

Other symptoms they may exhibit include a runny nose, diarrhoea, shallow breathing, vomiting, and fatigue. If your infant exhibits any of the symptoms listed above (especially the first two), a healthcare expert will most likely recommend that they be tested for Covid.

Is it true that children have a lower risk of contracting Covid-19?

Children account for roughly 16% of all Covid cases in the United States, according to The Mayo Clinic. Children’s immune systems are built up to fight ordinary colds and coughs, according to some researchers, thus their symptoms of Covid-19 are milder. 


Nevertheless, owing to the delta form, several studies have found an increase in the incidence of instances of Covid-19 in infants. Children are statistically less likely to have Covid-19, although this could be due to the fact that lower age groups have minimal or no symptoms and are often not tested as frequently as adults.

Nonetheless, if you suspect your child has Covid, ignore the numbers and trust your instincts. Learn about what occurs next by contacting your paediatrician as soon as possible.

What types of Covid testing are used on infants?

Children’s Covid testing is similar to that of adults (although we must confess, children are less probable to sit still). A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test will be done to identify if your child has an active Covid infection if they are exhibiting symptoms.

PCR tests, which have been approved by the FDA, are the holy grail of tests and can also identify other Covid variations, such as the delta and omicron forms.


What is the procedure for the test?

If the child is a bit older, it is best that you explain to them where you’re going and what they should expect to happen. This may be your child’s initial test, and it may be daunting. When doing a PCR test, your doctor will swab the inside of the child’s nose and the back of their throat using a long cotton bud.

Even while it shouldn’t hurt, it may make your child feel uneasy. Whenever the swab is in their mouth, they may gag, and when it is up their nose, their eyes may water. If at all possible, avoid feeding them shortly before the test (as this would reduce its efficacy), and try distracting them and keep them motionless while the doctor swabs. The test may be painful, but it should only take a minute to complete. The results will arrive in 48-72 hours, based on your locality.

tested for covid

What are the chances of a newborn contracting Covid if the mother has it?

Babies are thought to contract Covid after being exposed to the virus during childbirth or through contact with infected caretakers. The direct transfer of Covid from mother to child, as per John Hopkins Medical, is extremely unusual. The good news is that Covid-19 instances in newborns are extremely rare, according to studies conducted by Imperial College in London.

Is it possible to breastfeed with Covid?

Yes, you can—breastfeeding isn’t a factor in transmission. You can still spread the infection through coughing, sneezing, and breathing, so wearing a mask as you breastfeed is a smart idea. Breastfeeding is also recommended by the World Health Organization, as skin-to-skin contact is beneficial to both babies and mothers.