Balancing Motherhood and Personal Wellness: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle


As a mother, it can be challenging to maintain personal wellness while caring for your children. However, it is essential to prioritize your health to be the best version of yourself for your family. In this article, we will explore tips from Jacquie Smith, a certified integrative nutrition health coach and fitness instructor, on how to balance motherhood and personal wellness.

  1. Set Realistic Goals

Smith emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals for your health journey. She weighed 117 pounds before becoming pregnant and gained a total of 19.6 pounds during pregnancy. Her end goal was to be as healthy, fit, and strong as possible for her baby and herself throughout pregnancy, labor, and postpartum recovery.

  1. Make Exercise a Priority

During pregnancy, Smith exercised for 30 minutes, six days a week, followed by one rest day. She made walking a priority and aimed to get outdoors each day to move her body. Consistency is key to creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle and fitness journey, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day.

  1. Adapt to Your Current Situation

Smith’s “little adapts” work regardless of where she’s at in her health journey. As a mother, it’s essential to be flexible and adapt to your current situation, whether you’re pregnant, postpartum, or dealing with the daily challenges of motherhood. Find ways to incorporate exercise and healthy habits into your daily routine.

  1. Remember That Every Journey Is Different

Everyone’s pregnancy and postpartum body journey are different, but Smith’s weight loss breakdown is motivating and impressive. It’s essential to remember that your journey is unique and not to compare yourself to others. Focus on your progress and celebrate your achievements along the way.