5 Bedtime Rituals That You’ll Enjoy Just As Much As Your Kids Do


Do you have trouble getting your kids to bed at night? Does your child fight sleep every step of the way? If so, you’re not alone. Many parents struggle with getting their children to go to bed on time. But what if I told you that there are 5 bedtime rituals that you can do yourself that will make winding down for the night a breeze?

Continue reading as we discuss 5 simple bedtime rituals that will help you relax and get your child a good night’s sleep!

bedtime rituals

Co-author a bedtime story

One way to make bedtime more fun for both you and your child is to co-author a bedtime story together. This can be done by taking turns adding sentences to a story, or by coming up with a story together. Not only will this help your child wind down for the night, but it will also be a bonding experience for the two of you.

Make a relaxation playlist

You can create a playlist of your child’s favorite calming songs to help them relax at night. This is a great way to help your child wind down and get ready for bed. Plus, it’s a fun way for you to bond with your child and enjoy their favorite music together.

two girls wearing brown and gray knitted sweaters lying on gray textile

Wish upon glow-in-the-dark stars

Another fun way to help your child wind down at night is to wish upon some glow-in-the-dark stars together. This is a great way to get your child’s imagination going while also helping them relax. Plus, it’s a fun activity that you can do together before bed.

Gratitude list

One way to help you and your child relax before bed is to make a list of things that you’re grateful for. This can be done together or separately, but a gratitude list is a great way to focus on the positive things in your life and wind down for the night.

Breathe together

One final way to help you and your child relax before bed is to breathe together. This is a simple but effective way to help you both relax and get ready for sleep. Simply close your eyes and take some deep breaths together. This will help you both feel more relaxed and prepared for bed.

woman in gray shirt lying on bed

As you can see, there are many bedtime rituals that you can do together as a family that will help you relax and get a good night’s sleep. So next time your child is having trouble winding down for the night, try one of these rituals and see how it goes! You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it just as much as your child does.