4 Hygiene Practices You Should Follow


Hygiene practices are quite essentials. Maintaining some basic hygiene rules are very important. Because the coronavirus pandemic has not ended yet and it is uncertain how long it will sustain. In this situation, everyone is concerned about protecting their families. No one wants to bring any unwanted contagion into their house. Here we are suggesting some best practices for keeping your house safe and virus-free.

Before entering home take off the shoes

Your shoes might be the dirtier item and they can carry the COVID-19 virus into your home. So, it is wise to take off the shoes outside of your home and not wear your shoes inside. An emergency physician Cwanza Pinckney said, “The sole of the shoe is the breeding ground of more bacteria and fungi and viruses than the upper part of a shoe.”This hygiene practice is very important indeed.

take off shoes
Credit: earth
Use a different set of clothes for outside

You should change your clothes while going outside. Never wear the same clothes inside your house that you wore in a public place. Rather it is a good idea to change your clothes every time you go outside. An infectious disease expert Daniel Kuritzkes said, “flat surfaces and hard surfaces are more friendly to viruses than cloth or rough surfaces.”

change clothes
Credit: moneycrashers
Take shower immediately

After entering the home, you should take a shower as soon as possible. Sometimes we sit on a sofa or chair to relax which is not a good practice. Because if any virus comes with you, it may contaminate your sofa or any other household item that you touch. So, cleaning the exposed portions of your body is a good practice. A New York-based dermatologist Joshua Zeichner said, “the safest course of action is to shower right when you get home.” We all need to follow this hygiene practice.

take shower
Credit: inc
Clean your hands including nails

We often forget to clean our nails. As a result, plenty of dirt and germs come into our house through our fingernails. That’s why it is very important to clean our fingernails regularly which is also a basic hygiene practice. During this pandemic, it is not safe to keep long nails. A virus can easily remain under the nails which may affect you easily. CDC also recommends not to wear artificial nails. The chief physician executive at Baptist Health in Jacksonville Elizabeth Ransom said, “It’s harder to get that area truly clean when washing your hands.”

hygiene practices
Credit: theguardian