How To Deal With Parental Burnout


If you are a parent of a young child, you may feel exhausted or overwhelmed. Sometimes you may lose your temper. It is especially true for those parents whose kids are not so “easy”. One study revealed that mothers of young adults with autism and behaviour challenges had cortisol patterns of mind which is quite comparable to those of combat soldiers. Here, we will give you some tips on ow to deal with parental burnout.

stressed mother

During this coronavirus outbreak, all of us are having a hard time. As many of our family members are spending a long time in a home, some of us, especially parents of children with challenges are experiencing mental health issues and finding hard to find a way to deal with parental burnout. 

The American Psychological Association conducted a survey in March 2021 and found that 39% of mothers and 25% of fathers said their mental health had worsened compared with before the pandemic. Unwanted changes in weight and disrupted sleep patterns become the main signs that parents have been struggling to cope with.  

The World Health Organization describes “burnout” as a vital state of exhaustion. The professor at the University of Louvain Moïra Mikolajczak said about parental burnout “urgently requires more attention, and the pandemic has only magnified this need.”

a stressed mother working remotely

You should try a mindful break whenever possible. When someone just wants to power forward, our mind feels the stress. As a parent, we always prioritise our kids’ requirements and keep our needs at the bottom of the list. As a result, they creep up at some moments. It is very important to pause on your duties for a while and take a gentle break for your refreshment. If it is not possible for a long time, take a short break to take a deep breath and have some coffee. Spend some time for yourself to address your feelings.

If your family life is messy, your life might be miserable. Try to reframe your family structure. Parenting could be more challenging. None of the systemic factors will work properly and your burnout experience will increase day by day. It may not be possible to change the structure overnight. But we have to be daring to face it.

We can remember the wise words of Diana Spalding: “You’re not doing it wrong. It’s just that hard.” You need to remember that all the shortcomings and limitations are not rooted in your choices. As a parent, you also need to emphasise self-care. Your self-care may help you to overcome burnout problems. Always remember that self-care is not a selfish approach. Rather it will help you to become the better parent that your child deserves.