How To Stop Yourself From Being Clingy In A Relationship


Attachment is essential for any relationship. But when the attachment gets unhealthy and unbearable, this is known as being clingy. Often time being clingy can be irritating and a reason for distress in a relationship. Here are some tips to stop being clingy in a relationship.

Find a healthy attachment style

If you think you are clinging to your partner, then try to find what attachment style will be the best for you and your partner. Multiple attachment ways can be helpful in various situations. Also, give them the space that they deserve.

Keep a clinginess journal

If you’re finding it hard when you are being clingy, try to note down all the times you are being unnecessarily clingy to your partner. It will help you to understand how much this is affecting you and your partner’s relationship. Moreover, keeping a journal gives you an idea after a certain time of what you have done that affects your relationship the most.

Find a Therapist

If all fails, there is a professional who is willing to help you. If you feel that you are being too dependent or attached to your partner, then take the help of professionals. They can help you get through the issue. Also, make sure that your partner knows your hardship and the journey you are going through.

Give them the space

People need their space to grow. If you are stuck with your beloved person every moment, they will have a hard time being themselves. People taking time out of the day doesn’t mean that they don’t adore you anymore. Additionally, it’s a healthy practice too. Try to respect their personal space, as they deserve it. Admiration and love can be expressed in other healthy ways too.