Quick Tips For Women’s Heart Health


Women’s heart health is a burning issue nowadays. Because the top cause of death for women in the US is heart disease. However, being aware of risk factors and leading a healthy lifestyle can help stave off heart disease.


Women's Heart Health
Credit: texasheart


Remain active

Get 30 minutes of exercise at least three times per week. By increasing your heart rate through training, you can cut your risk of cardiovascular disease by 28%. Take the stairs if your schedule is hectic. Park further away and stroll to the supermarket. After lunch, take a break from work and go for a 30-minute brisk stroll.


Understand the signs of a heart attack

Compared to men, women may experience a larger range of heart attack symptoms. Just like men, women might suffer from the “classic” heart attack symptoms of chest pressure, pain, or shortness of breath.

Manage cholesterol and blood pressure

can be increased by high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, so it’s crucial to monitor these levels and work with your doctor to control them. This could involve taking medicine and making lifestyle changes like exercising and eating well.


Heart Health
Credit: syracusepodiatry
Maintain a healthy weight

It’s critical to keep your weight in check because being overweight or obese increases your chance of developing heart disease. This entails creating a healthy food plan in collaboration with a doctor or dietician and balancing calorie intake with physical activity.


Take enough rest

According to a study, having fewer than six to seven hours of sleep each night is associated with heart disease. High blood pressure has been associated with a lack of sleep. It can also make it challenging to lose weight and possibly reduce your desire to exercise.


Credit: dartmouth-hitchcock


Reduce stress

Another issue for women is chronic stress. It may result in actions and conditions that increase the risk of heart diseases, such as excessive cholesterol, high blood pressure, inactivity, and overeating.