How To Treat Crepey Skin


Crepey skin comes with aging. Aging has many positive aspects. But it can also have some unsettling negative ones. One of them is crepey skin. Skin can look sagging, crinkly, and loose when collagen and elastin, the proteins that prevent fine wrinkles, are lost. However, crepey skin should not be confused with wrinkles.

Crepey skin
Credit: trikwan
Administer skin care at night

It’s best to take care of skin issues like cramping at night. Dermatologist Dennis Gross wrote on his website, “during the night, your skin goes into renew mode, renewing new skin cells and cycling oxygen and nutrients. At day, your skin goes into a protective state, warding off factors such as sun damage or oxidation.”

Credit: masterclass
Add Hydration with hyaluronic acid

Crepey skin combined with a lack of hydration can be a dermal disaster for many. But Dermatologist Hirsch recommends products that seal in the natural moisture your body already produces. Hyaluronic acid enters your skin and replenishes moisture back into the skin. It keeps your skin supple and luminous for longer. If your skin lacks plumpness or is dull in tone, hyaluronic acid can also help restore the dew.

Promote collagen production

According to Dermatologist Zeichner, retinol stimulates collagen and aids in thickening the skin’s dermis. As a result, fine wrinkles are less noticeable. Products containing retinol can be applied to crepey areas, including the face, neck, elbows, and hands. So, apply a moisturizer on top of retinol-based products to prevent the skin from flaking because of this.

Crepey skin
Credit: antiagingvancouver
Wash your face

No matter your skin concern, washing your face twice a day is crucial because it sets the stage for the rest of your crepe-combatting routine, according to Byrdie. It would help if you did this in the morning after a night of skin-boosting nutrients and before bed after a day of moisturizing. It’s time to clean off the day’s dirt, grease, and contaminants to produce a polished surface for the remainder of your products to shine.