What Is Family Therapy?


Family therapy can help if your family is struggling, whether it’s because of stress, resentment, or grief. It can aid in teaching individuals how to resolve conflicts and improve communication between partners, kids, or other family members.

A specialist known as a family therapist is in charge of the sessions. They might be a therapist with additional training in family therapy, a social worker, a psychologist, or another profession.

family therapy

What Is The Purpose Of Family Therapy?

Family issues can have an impact on every aspect of a member’s life. Problems may start to show up at work, in class, or in regular social interactions, which you and your loved ones may notice.

It might be time to see a family therapist if you feel that the problems in your family aren’t getting any better or are getting out of hand. They can aid you in identifying fresh approaches to handle difficulties, disputes, and challenges.

four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset

How Does Family Therapy Work?

Your therapist will first speak with each member of the family to better understand what is happening. They will inquire as to how each individual sees the issues when the issues first surfaced, and how the family has been attempting to handle things thus far. A treatment strategy will then be developed by the therapist. The objective is to reduce family conflicts, not to assign blame.

Your therapist will assist your family in improving communication, finding solutions to issues, and developing new methods of cooperation. Problems don’t always disappear after family therapy. However, it can teach family members new strategies for dealing with challenging circumstances in a more healthy way.

man and woman sitting on grass field near lake during daytime

Family therapy need not be time-consuming. There are typically 12 sessions. The particular problems you concentrate on in therapy will determine how frequently you see a family therapist and also how many sessions you’ll require.