Am I at Risk for Postpartum Depression?


Being a new mother can be both wonderful and challenging. There are a lot of new challenges ahead of you, as well as a lot less sleep. You may be anxious and exhausted at times.

postpartum depression

What you’re feeling isn’t unusual. So take a deep breath and take care of yourself; it’ll benefit your baby as well. However, if you’re particularly worried that your “baby blues” could be a sign of something more serious, such as postpartum depression, see your doctor immediately.

Postpartum depression is a serious form of clinical depression that occurs after childbirth, and it is more frequent in women than you think. It is more likely a result of the following factors:

  • Depression in the past or postpartum depression in the past
  • A history of mental illness or depression in the family
  • A deeply traumatic event occurs during pregnancy, such as a family death.
  • Abuse of alcohol or other drugs
  • Obstacles to childbirth or problems with the baby’s health
  • Mixed feelings concerning the pregnancy
  • There is no strong support system in place

woman carrying baby

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, contact your doctor as soon as you learn you’re pregnant or plan to become pregnant. They can assist you in taking steps to reduce your risk of postpartum depression. If your baby has already arrived, your doctor can assist you in receiving treatment so that you can resume your normal routine.

While you’re expecting: Your doctor may ask you to fill out a questionnaire to see if you show signs of depression. If you’re experiencing symptoms, you and your doctor can discuss the best course of action. You can seek help through group therapy, counseling, or antidepressant medications. Your doctor may advise you to try a variety of treatments.

Following the birth of your child: When your baby arrives, enlist the help of supportive family and friends. To stay rested, eat a healthy diet, take frequent naps, and exercise regularly.

man in orange long sleeve shirt sitting on gray couch

If you’re experiencing postpartum symptoms, your doctor may want to see you right away. It’s possible that you’ll need to fill out another question form.

The sooner you are diagnosed with postpartum depression, the earlier you can receive treatment and start recovering and feel much better, which is beneficial to both you and your child.