Heart Attack Signs You Should Be Aware Of


Most of the time a heart attack can be silent. Many people don’t even know that they have experienced a heart attack. According to the American Heart Association’s journal “Circulation” report, about 45 percent of cases of heart attack are silent. They don’t even know that they’re having a heart attack at all. They don’t have those classic symptoms like pain in the chest or left arm. Here we are suggesting some symptoms that can save your life from a silent heart attack.

Heart attack
Credit: sahyadrihospital
Shortness of breath

A silent heart attack may have no symptoms at all. Sometimes you just have a clue that something isn’t going right like experiencing difficulties while catching your breath. This shortness of breath for no apparent reason can be a subtle symptom of a heart attack. You have to consult with your doctor right away to prevent this health condition.

symptoms of heart attack
Credit: intermountainhealthcare
Experiencing heartburn

Some sort of upset stomach and heartburn is normal after taking a spicy meal or consuming a junk food feast. But when you experience indigestion or heartburn without any particular reason, you should immediately inform your physician. The Mayo Clinic recommended consulting with the nearest health care center. It stated, “If you have persistent chest pain and you aren’t sure it’s heartburn, call 911 or emergency medical help.”

Pain in the throat

You may know that chest pain moving down through the left hand is a common symptom. But this pain also can be a cause of pain in the other parts of our body like the jaw and throat. Web MD said about this issue, “if you have pain or pressure in the center of your chest that spreads up into your throat or jaw, it could be a sign of a heart attack.”

heart care
Credit: angletoner

Furthermore, breaking out in a sweat and feeling of unease are some other symptoms of a heart attack. When you find any of these symptoms, you should consult with your doctor. It is also important to exercise regularly.  Health expert Robert Lager warned, “The longer one waits to get evaluated, the more likely that there will be irreversible damage.”