Don’t Skip This Skin Care Step If You Want Hydrated Skin & An Allover Glow


Achieving glowing, vibrant skin is a long journey that may be foiled by a few sneaky mistakes. Yes, there are antioxidants that can successfully give you a brighter complexion such as Azelaic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and niacinamide), and while exfoliating regularly significantly helps in your skincare journey, some mistakes such as using an excessively light moisturizer, or none at all, may foil your efforts.

If you do not regularly and appropriately hydrate your skin, you will never achieve long-lasting luminescent skin. This is why your skin may not be bright no matter how much you moisturize.

hydrated skin

Why moisturized skin looks much brighter

Dry skin looks duller. This is why board-certified dermatologist and Bio-Oil partner Corey L. Hartman recommends adding a good moisturizer into your skincare routine right after you cleanse or exfoliate. He also shared that moisturized skin reflects light which makes it glow. This glowing look is achieved by naturing your skin barrier to make it supple and strong, which in turn, makes it look bright.

With that in mind, it is important to hydrate your skin both internally and externally. When going for topicals, choose moisturizers that contain the trifecta for a vibrant complexion- antioxidants, biotic ingredients and lipids. They work on both your face and body, after all, don’t we all want an overall glow? We love lipids such as botanical oils like jojoba, moringa seed, and oat as they are filled with fatty acids.

The trifecta can be found in mindbodygreen’s postbiotic body lotion. This lotion also boasts containing a fruit complex and CoQ10 (antioxidant) that protects the skin from the effects of free radicals and various stressors in the environment.

woman in white tank top

There is also the revolutionary and high selective prebiotic and postbiotic combo that cultivates your skin’s microbiome and improves your epidermal barrier and eases inflammation. This makes your skin feel- and even look- supple, smooth and vibrant. Your skin will thank you for this- and take in the rich formula to look brighter and healthier. See it for yourself in these glowing reviews.

The takeaway

Make sure you maximize on moisture if your skin appears dull. A hydrated skin barrier is a strong one and it will help your skin glow, therefore, find a moisturizer you love and apply it religiously. We may be biased, but mbg’s postbiotic lotion is the best fit for you if you want to brighten and moisturize your skin.