How to repair damaged hair at home – Everything you need to know


Is long, thick hair what you long for? Fortunately, there are easy steps you can follow at home to repair damaged hair and overprocessed locks. Thinning hair does not just happen overnight. It is a result of years of not using heat protectants, overstyling, and not using the right products on your hair. 

A combination of these not-so-good practices will leave you with hair that does not grow beyond your shoulders. Hello Magazine spoke to Tom Smith, a celebrity stylist from Billi Currie, a top London salon, about how to get hair that is healthier. 

healthy hair

As you might guess, he reaffirmed that the key to healthier hair lies in how you treat it and what products you use. You should invest in quality shampoo, conditioner, heat protectant, and mask if you want to get great hair in the long run. 

Can you tell if your hair is damaged? 

Healthy hair is thick, long, and has a glow to it. In the same way, you can tell when hair is healthy, you can also tell when hair is damaged based on how it looks and feels. 

One of the surefire signs that hair is damaged is that it appears limp and dull. It could also be frizzy and unevenly wavy. If the hair is thin around your face or on the ends, then it’s definitely thin. Damaged hair feels tangly, rough, and coarse. It also tends to be quite stretchy and slimy when it’s wet.

What causes damaged hair?                    

There are a number of things that can cause damaged hair. They can be divided into three groups: chemical, mechanical, and thermal damage. Wear and tear causes friction that leads to mechanical damage to the hair.

This may include tying up the hair too tightly, being too rough when brushing the hair, and using poor-quality grips or hairbands. It could also be friction from hair getting tangled up in sleep at night, rubbing your hair on the headrest of your car, or even wearing hats that are too tight.

Chemical damage is from using harsh chemicals on your hair. This may include misusing professional hair color, chemical straightening or perming, extreme bleaching, non-professional hair colorants, and exposure to chlorine and extremely hard water. Thermal damage is caused by heat which can include excessive blow drying, washing hair in water that is too hot, and using straightening irons or curling tongs.

hair care

How can you repair damaged hair at home?

Hair masks and conditioners soften roughened parts of hair and supply protein to fill in over processed regions, although they are more cosmetic than curative. The two items you can use at home are really unique, science-based compositions that transform the chemical structure of the hair fundamentally: K18 Leave-In Molecular Repair mask with Olaplex No.3 home treatment. The majority of other items will leave your hair feeling better until you can get to a salon, but they will not solve the underlying issue.

What shampoo is best for damaged hair?

Shampoo is vital since it is used when your hair is at its most vulnerable. Shampoo by itself will not heal your hair, therefore it should be selected depending on your hair type and amount of protection. Using cooler water when shampooing helps to keep your hair’s color and hydration.

How essential are heat protectors?

Heat styling causes the hair to lose strength and internal moisture, as well as substantially increasing color fading. Heat protection treatments can assist, but it’s best to avoid heat styling as much as you can. Evo Happy Campers, Color Wow Dream Coat Supernatural Spray, Evo Icon Welder, and Olaplex No.7 Bonding Oil are some heat protectors you can try.

Repair damaged hair

What role does your diet have in achieving better hair?

A healthy body is required for healthy hair, and a balanced diet is the most important aspect in general health. Lifestyle changes or diet changes can take up to three months to show up in the hair since they only impact the new hair growing from your scalp, not the preexisting hair.

Do hair supplements have any effect?

Supplements can help ensure that your body gets the nutrition it needs to grow healthy hair. Because your hair isn’t necessary for survival, it will be the first to be harmed if you aren’t as healthy as you should be. 

Hair supplements guarantee that you have enough of the essential building blocks to benefit your hair and ensure that you have healthy hair. It requires a three- to six-month dedication to see results, and it will not change your inherent hair type. It will simply make sure that your hair grows as healthily as possible and can go a long way to repair damaged hair.